About Chasvad
According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Chasvad village is 522480. Chasvad village is located in Netrang Tehsil of Bharuch district in Gujarat, India. It is situated 22km away from sub-district headquarter Valia and 51km away from district headquarter Bharuch. As per 2009 stats, Chasvad village is also a gram panchayat.
The total geographical area of village is 533.32 hectares. Chasvad has a total population of 1,431 people. There are about 286 houses in Chasvad village. Anklesvar is nearest town to Chasvad which is approximately 44km away.
Presently, we are constructing roads, under ground pipes for all utilitie and water tank rebuildIng work.
more updates coming up.
More to come.
This is just a startup to put our village on the web.
Site is getting built
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